Zoo Tycoon Wiki

The African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus) is a mid-sized African canid. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon 2.


Known by many other common names, including Cape Hunting Dog, the African Wild Dog is the largest wild canid in Africa and the only surviving member of its genus. Its scientific name, which translates to Painted Wolf, refers to the extremely variable coloration of the fur, which is typically a mixture of yellow, brown and black markings, with a few white patches, that vary between individuals and populations. Unlike many other canids, it has no underfur. The African wild dog also have a comparatively slim and tall build, with large rounded ears.

African wild dogs are extremely sociable, living in packs of up to 27 individuals lead by an alpha pair. Only the alpha pair breed, with the rest of the pack helping to care for the pups. Females will leave their birth pack when they mature. The pack will also hunt together, typically targeting medium-sized antelope and up to 90% of their hunts end in a kill, giving the wild dog a greater success rate than lions and spotted hyenas, who may steal their kills. The African wild dog was once common across the African savannah, but is now limited to fragmented populations and is considered "Endangered".

Zoo Tycoon[]

The African wild dog is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon. It is a downloadable animal.

The African wild dog is a Savannah animal, but requires some sand and dirt in its exhibit. Its favorite foliage is the baobab tree. African wild dogs require social groups of at least six individuals.

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

The African wild dog is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2 and was added as part of the Endangered Species expansion pack. In Campaign and Challenge mode, it is available for adoption when a zoo reaches a rating of 3.5 stars.


African wild dogs once again live in the Savannah biome.


Wild dogs are carnivores that feed on meat.


Wild dogs like to play with the live lizard food and a number of balls.


Wild dogs use the savannah burrow and the rock shelter.


Wild dogs are very social animals that live in large family groups. Their litters consist of 2 pups at a time. They will hunt other animals that are placed in their exhibits, such as zebras.


Zoo Tycoon 2[]


  • In Zoo Tycoon, African wild dogs can only be killed by extinct predators and the Komodo dragon.
  • Interestingly the African wild dog has unused swimming animations leftover in the data for Zoo Tycoon, rendered in a similar way to other terrestrial animals that can use tanks introduced in Marine Mania.
Zoo Tycoon animals
Zoo Tycoon African BuffaloAfrican ElephantAfrican LionAfrican WarthogAmerican Bighorn SheepAmerican BisonArctic WolfBengal TigerBlack BearBlack LeopardBlack RhinocerosCalifornia Sea LionCheetahChimpanzeeClouded LeopardCommon WildebeestDromedary CamelEmperor PenguinGemsbokGiant AnteaterGiant PandaGiraffeGray WolfGreater FlamingoGrizzly BearHippopotamusIbexJaguarLeopardLowland GorillaMandrillMarkhorMooseOkapiOlive BaboonOstrichPlains ZebraPolar BearRed KangarooSaltwater CrocodileSiberian TigerSnow LeopardSpotted HyenaThomson's GazelleWhite Bengal Tiger
Dinosaur Digs AllosaurusApatosaurusAnkylosaurusCamptosaurusCaudipteryxCoelophysisGiant TortoiseHerrerasaurusIguanodonKentrosaurusLambeosaurusPlesiosaurusSaber-Toothed CatSpinosaurusStegosaurusStyracosaurusTyrannosaurus rexVelociraptorWooly MammothWooly Rhinoceros
Marine Mania BelugaBluefin TunaBottlenose DolphinElephant SealGiant SquidGreat White SharkGreen Moray EelGreen Sea TurtleHammerhead SharkHarbor PorpoiseHumpback WhaleLion's Mane JellyManta RayNarwhalOrcaGiant Pacific OctopusPacific WalrusShortfin Mako SharkSouthern Sea OtterSperm WhaleTiger SharkWest Indian Manatee
Downloadable Content African Wild DogAsian Black BearAsian ElephantAtlantic SwordfishBlackbuckBongoGallimimusGiant Ground SlothGreat BarracudaLlamaMagnetMountain LionPlateosaurusReindeerSable AntelopeYeti
Endangered Species Theme Pack BigfootBowhead WhaleCommon SawfishJapanese SerowJavan RhinocerosKomodo DragonLoch Ness MonsterMacraucheniaMalaysian TapirMexican Gray WolfOrangutanPrzewalski's Wild HorseWhale Shark
Unlockable Content DeinosuchusMermaidTriceratopsUnicorn
Zoo Tycoon 2 animals
Zoo Tycoon 2 Grizzly BearPolar BearAmerican BeaverDromedary CamelCheetahChimpanzeeNile CrocodileAfrican ElephantGreater FlamingoThomson's GazelleGemsbokReticulated GiraffeMountain GorillaHippopotamusIbexJaguarRed KangarooRing-Tailed LemurSnow LeopardLionMooseOkapiOstrichGiant PandaRed PandaCommon PeafowlEmperor PenguinBlack RhinocerosBengal TigerCommon Zebra
Downloadable Content AddaxAsiatic Black BearAsian ElephantBlack LeopardMusk Ox
Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species Giant Sable AntelopeSpectacled BearAmerican BisonCaribouFennec FoxCrested GibbonPrzewalski's Wild HorseKoalaKomodo DragonSpanish LynxMarkhorOrangutanScimitar-Horned OryxFlorida PantherJavan RhinocerosBaird's TapirGalapagos Giant TortoiseAfrican Wild DogGray WolfWolverine
Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure AardvarkBarbary ApeSecretary BirdBongoAfrican BuffaloCaracalGeladaGerenukMasai GiraffePygmy HippopotamusStriped HyenaMandrillMeerkatNile MonitorRatelWhite RhinocerosAfrican Spurred TortoiseWarthogWildebeestEthiopian Wolf
Zoo Tycoon 2: Dino Danger Pack CarnotaurusStyracosaurusTriceratopsTyrannosaurus rex
Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania BelugaBottlenose DolphinWest Indian ManateeBlue MarlinNarwhalSea OtterRockhopper PenguinManta RayCalifornia Sea LionBlacktip Reef SharkGoblin SharkScalloped HammerheadWhale SharkWhite SharkGreen Sea TurtleLeatherback Sea TurtlePacific WalrusFalse Killer WhaleOrcaShort-Finned Pilot Whale
Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals AnkylosaurusAurochsShort-Faced BearElephant BirdBluebuckGiant CamelSaber-Toothed CatBush-Antlered DeerDeinonychusDeinosuchusDimetrodonDiprotodonDodoDoedicurusDwarf Sicilian ElephantGigantopithecusKentrosaurusCave LionAmerican MastodonKiller PenguinProtarchaeopteryxQuaggaWoolly RhinocerosSivatheriumGiant Ground SlothStegosaurusStokesosaurusThylacineUtahraptorVelociraptorWarrahGiant Warthog