Zoo Tycoon Wiki

Animal enrichment is a recurring type of purchasable objects in the Zoo Tycoon franchise. It is based on real animal husbandry principles, meant to enhance the quality of life of captive animals by providing them with different stimuli. Enrichment includes a wide variety of items, from toys for animals to play with, to structures for them to climb on, and more.

In Zoo Tycoon[]

Cat Climbing Tree Cropped

Clouded Leopard using a Cat Climbing Tree animal toy.

In Zoo Tycoon, enrichment exists as animal toys which are available for purchase on the third tab of the animal panel.

Only a few select animals enjoy animal toys, and in turn each toy is only used by one or a handful animals. In some cases they are a requirement for a suitable exhibit, while for others they are an optional way to increase suitability.

There is a special research option for unlocking some of the base game animal toys, meaning it is required in order to effectively house the corresponding animals, notably leopards.

Animals will perform special animations when using toys.

List of animal toys[]

Name Used by Availability Expansion
Small Lion Rock Lion Beginning Base Game
Chimpanzee Bars Chimpanzee Beginning Base Game
Orangutan Rope Swing Orangutan Beginning Endangered Species Theme Pack
Orangutan Jungle Gym Orangutan Beginning Endangered Species Theme Pack
Swinging Log Toy African Elephant Research Base Game
Lion Climbing Rock Lion Research Base Game
Large Chimpanzee Bars Chimpanzee Research Base Game
Gorilla Climbing Bar Lowland Gorilla Research Base Game
Cat Climbing Tree Research Base Game
Sunken Log Green Moray Eel Beginning Marine Mania
Ice Floe 3 months Marine Mania
Icy Keg Polar Bear (and Magnet) 9 months Marine Mania
Raft 9 months Marine Mania

In Zoo Tycoon 2[]

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In the real world, zookeepers use animal enrichment objects to stimulate animals in captivity and to encourage them to use the same natural behaviors they use in the wild.

For example, polar bears are accustomed to having to dig through ice in order to find food in the wild, and you can encourage the same behavior in your zoo by providing them with food that is encased in blocks of ice.

Chimpanzees will appreciate the monkey bars because they can climb and swing on them in the same way they swing from trees and branches in the wild.

Monitor sleep

Nile Monitor pair sleeping under a Heat Lamp enrichment object.

In Zoo Tycoon 2, various forms of animal enrichment can be bought from the animal panel, or from a tab in the zookeeper recommendations window when an animal is selected.

Every single animal in the game uses at least one form of enrichment (some of them introduced in expansions), and many animals, notably carnivorans and primates, are able to use a wide variety of them.

Orangutan - Superjakob

Orangutan eating from an enrichment Durian.

Enrichment mostly serves as a way to fulfill the stimulation need of animals, though some can also serve as a form of exercise and a source of food, available as various food treats and Live Food. Unlike regular Animal Food, enrichment food is consumed and disappears after being eaten.

Guests enjoy watching animals interact with enrichment objects, and it is one of the components of Zoo Fame.

Some campaign goals are tied to acquiring a particular enrichment object for an animal, or taking a photo of an animal using one.

The Extinct Animals expansion also introduced three special enrichment items that animals do not interact with, but are instead used to increase biome compatibility for all land animals.

List of animal enrichment[]

Zoo Tycoon 2

  • Apple
  • Ball with Rattle
  • Beef Shank
  • Bone
  • Car Tire
  • Carrot
  • Figs
  • Heated Rock
  • Ice Block (with apple, banana, carrot and beef shank)
  • Ice Floe (medium and large)
  • Lookout Post
  • Monkey Bars
  • Painting Easel
  • Peanut Feeder
  • Pile of Branches
  • Pile of Leaves
  • Plastic Barrel
  • Post and Rope with Ice
  • Pursuit Ball
  • Rubber Toy
  • Small Toy Ball
  • Scratching Post

Endangered Species

  • Cat Climber (Unlockable)
  • Durian
  • Elephant Enrichment Log
  • Feeder Ball
  • Salt Lick
  • Tire Swing

African Adventure

  • Heat Lamp
  • Live Food Lizard
  • Meerkat Sentry Post
  • Salt Lick
  • Squeaky Toy

Dino Danger Pack

  • Dinosaur Prey Dummy

Marine Mania

  • Clam Bubbler
  • Ice Block with Clams
  • Jar with Fish
  • Live Food Arctic Cod
  • Live Food Yellowfin Tuna (Unlockable)
  • Seal Prey Dummy

Extinct Animals

  • Dodo Rock
  • Glacier
  • Misty Spring
  • Tar Pit
  • Tiny Elephant Log

Bonus Downloads

  • Stuffed Prey Dummy
  • Holiday Present (apple and beef)

In Zoo Tycoon (Xbox)[]

In Zoo Tycoon (Xbox), animal enrichment is one of the type of exhibit items which can be purchased on set locations at exhibits for animals to interact with.

List of enrichment[]

  • Activity Centers
  • Climbing Frames
  • Rope Toys
  • Scratching Posts
  • Shelters
  • Slides
  • Tabletops
  • Wading Pools


  • No extinct animal from Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs uses any form of animal toy.

External links[]
