Zoo Tycoon Wiki

Dimetrodon (Two measures of teeth) is a large prehistoric synapsid from North America and Europe. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2.


Dimetrodon was a large carnivorous animal from the early Permian period, living from 295 to 272 million years ago. There were at least 13 different species of Dimetrodon, the largest of which could reach lengths of 4.6m (15ft) and weigh up to 250kg (550lbs), making it one of the largest predators of its time. The most distinctive features of Dimetrodon were its large teeth that differed greatly in size (which gave Dimetrodon its name) and the large sail running across its back, which may have been used for thermoregulation or attracting mates. Despite its reptile-like appearance, Dimetrodon was a synapsid and as a result was more closely related to mammals than it was to reptiles.

Dimetrodon fossils have been primarily found in the United States of America, with many being common in the state of Texas. One small species has also been found in Germany. It was a carnivore and would have preyed on a variety of animals, with fossil finds showing it digging up buried amphibians whilst they were in torpor. It is believed that the main ecosystem Dimetrodon lived in would have resembled the modern Florida Everglades, being primarily swampy. Dimetrodon would have hunted on land, but may have also fed on the edges of rivers.

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

Dimetrodon is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2 and was added as part of the Extinct Animals expansion pack. In Campaign and Challenge mode, it is available for adoption when a zoo reaches a rating of 3.5 stars.


Dimetrodon is a Wetlands animal, but will also tolerate Grassland, Savannah and Scrub. Like all extinct wetlands creatures, it requires a Misty Spring in its exhibit in order to be fully comfortable


Dimetrodon can consume meat and fish. They can consume these from regular, dish, or carcass feeders but not troughs.


Juvenile Dimetrodon will interact with lookout posts as an enrichment item, but they will not use it as adults. Dimetrodon also enjoy resting under heat lamps. Similarly to the other carnivores, they can also eat the Beef Shank and Live Food Lizards.


Dimetrodon can rest in a Rock Shelter or the Reptile Pool, the latter of which also cleans animals.


  • Dimetrodon is the Zoo Tycoon franchise's only extinct animal from the Paleozoic Era.


Zoo Tycoon 2 animals
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Downloadable Content AddaxAsiatic Black BearAsian ElephantBlack LeopardMusk Ox
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Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure AardvarkBarbary ApeSecretary BirdBongoAfrican BuffaloCaracalGeladaGerenukMasai GiraffePygmy HippopotamusStriped HyenaMandrillMeerkatNile MonitorRatelWhite RhinocerosAfrican Spurred TortoiseWarthogWildebeestEthiopian Wolf
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Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania BelugaBottlenose DolphinWest Indian ManateeBlue MarlinNarwhalSea OtterRockhopper PenguinManta RayCalifornia Sea LionBlacktip Reef SharkGoblin SharkScalloped HammerheadWhale SharkWhite SharkGreen Sea TurtleLeatherback Sea TurtlePacific WalrusFalse Killer WhaleOrcaShort-Finned Pilot Whale
Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals AnkylosaurusAurochsShort-Faced BearElephant BirdBluebuckGiant CamelSaber-Toothed CatBush-Antlered DeerDeinonychusDeinosuchusDimetrodonDiprotodonDodoDoedicurusDwarf Sicilian ElephantGigantopithecusKentrosaurusCave LionAmerican MastodonKiller PenguinProtarchaeopteryxQuaggaWoolly RhinocerosSivatheriumGiant Ground SlothStegosaurusStokesosaurusThylacineUtahraptorVelociraptorWarrahGiant Warthog