Zoo Tycoon Wiki

The Secretary Bird (Sagittarius serpentarius) is a large African bird. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2.


The secretary bird is a member of the Accipitriformes, a group of predatory birds that also includes eagles and hawks, that is adapted for hunting on the ground. It is a tall bird, reaching heights of up to 1.3m 4.3ft) and features long crane-like legs, although its head and body otherwise closely resembles an eagle. It is believed to have gotten its common name due to the crest of black feathers on the back of its head, which was reminiscent of secretaries tucking their quill pens behind their ears.

Although the secretary bird can fly and will roost and nest in trees, it is a terrestrial hunter, preying on small animals including mammals, other birds, reptiles and insects. Whilst hunting, it will use its long legs to kick at the grass to flush out prey, before stomping on them. Using this technique, it is capable of killing venomous snakes such as cobras. The secretary bird occurs in grasslands and savannah across sub-Saharan Africa, but despite the large range, numbers are believed to be rapidly declining.

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

Click here to open The Secretary Bird scenario article.
Click here to open The Secretary Bird scenario article.

"A long-legged predator with a crest of black feathers"- Animal Panel description.

The secretary bird is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2 and was added as part of the African Adventure expansion pack. In Campaign and Challenge mode, it is available for adoption when a zoo reaches a rating of 3 stars. One of the scenarios added to the pack focuses heavily on it.

The secretary bird is a Grassland animal. Although quite small and happiest as a pair, it does require a large exhibit.



Zoo Tycoon 2 animals
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