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The Giant Sable Antelope (Hippotragus niger variani) is a large African antelope. It is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2.


The Giant Sable Antelope is a subspecies of Sable Antelope. The sable antelope is a large thick-necked antelope of the genus Hippotragus (Horse-Goat) and is closely related to the Roan Antelope and extinct Bluebuck. It displays prominent sexual dimorphism, with males being heavier and taller than females. Male sable antelope have a dark brown or black coat, which gets darker as the individual gets older. Females tend to be lighter in coloration, but both feature a white chin and underbelly. Both sexes have large, backwards-arching horns which can reach up to 165cm (65in) in males and are slightly smaller in females, which they use to defend themselves from predators. The giant sable antelope is the largest of four subspecies, weighing up to 238kg (525lbs) and having notably larger horns and darker coloration than other subspecies.

The giant sable antelope lives in savannah woodlands and live in large herds of up to 30 females, their calves and a single adult male. Active during the daytime, they are herbivores, feeding on grasses and leaves, but may also chew on bones to obtain minerals. The giant sable antelope lives exclusively in Angola, separated from all other subspecies, and is revered by the native people. Although a national symbol in the country, the giant sable antelope is considered Critically Endangered.

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

The giant sable antelope is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and was added as part of the Endangered Species expansion pack. In Campaign and Challenge mode, it is available for adoption when a zoo reaches a rating of 2 stars.


The giant sable antelope lives in the Savannah biome. It does not like deep water in its exhibit because it cannot swim.


Giant sable antelopes are herbivores that feed on hay and grass.


The giant sable antelope, like all ungulates, uses the salt lick.


They will use shade structures for shelter, as well as stables.


Giant sable antelopes are social animals that live in herds. Females will give birth to one calf at a time.

Under normal circumstances, sable antelope do not mind sharing their exhibits with other animals. However, an adult giant sable antelope is unhappy at night will attack and kill any adult animals deemed to be "food competitors" (medium-sized animals that eat Grass or Hay, such as the Addax or Gelada). This behaviour should be considered when housing sable antelopes in mixed exhibits.

Zoo Tycoon Website favicon zootycoon.com Description
The giant sable antelope is a critically endangered African species that has been overhunted for its impressive, hollow horns. Unlike deer, antelope keep their horns throughout their life, and their horns can grow up to 5 ft long. They look formidable, but their value as weapons is limited. To survive, antelopes rely on their ability to spot danger and to make a rapid escape. This defense system enables them to evade most wildlife predators, but it offers only partial protection from human hunters interested in antelope hide, horn, or meat, and offers no protection at all from changes to their habitat.
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Antelope is the common name applied to a diverse group of hollow-horned mammals that belong to the same family as cattle, goats, and sheep. About 100 species of antelopes live in Africa and Asia, including some of the world's fastest and most elegant hoofed mammals, as well as some of the most endangered.

Seven species known as horse antelopes (subfamily Hippotraginae) include the sable antelope, roan antelope, oryx, and addax--large-bodied animals that have a horselike build. They live in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula in a variety of habitats from woodlands to deserts. Despite their collective name, these antelopes are impossible to confuse with real horses because they have exceptionally long horns. Trophy hunters prize horse antelope horns, a fact that has brought some of these animals to the verge of extinction.

Unlike deer, which have branched antlers that they shed annually, antelopes have pointed horns that they keep throughout life. Antelope horns can grow up to 1.5 m (about 5 ft) long; they look formidable but their value as weapons is limited. There are records of antelopes impaling (spearing) and even killing predators as large as lions, but when faced with danger antelopes are far more likely to run away.

Antelopes are ruminants, animals that regurgitate partially digested food, called cud, and chew it again. Like other ruminants, including cattle and sheep, antelopes have well-developed cheek teeth or molars, which grind cud into a pulp. They have no upper incisors, and in order to tear off grass stems or leaves, their lower incisors press against an upper hard gum pad when they bite.

Whether they are eating or resting, antelopes rely on their keen senses to avoid danger. Their eyes face sideways, and their pupils are elongated horizontally, giving them a good view of danger from behind as well as in front. Their hearing and sense of smell are also acute--valuable features for life in the open where many predators are on the prowl after dark.

To survive, antelopes rely on their ability to spot danger and to make a rapid escape. This defense system enables them to evade most wildlife predators, but it offers only partial protection from human hunters interested in antelope hide, horn, or meat, and no protection at all from changes to their habitat.

Fun Facts

  • The breathtaking curved horns of the giant sable antelope can reach up to five feet in length.
  • If a giant sable antelope were to lose its horns, they would not grow back.
  • The giant sable antelope can reach speeds of up to 35 mph and sustain them for some distance.
  • The survival of the giant sable antelope has been threatened by 27 years of civil war in Angola, its native territory.
  • Only 1,000 giant sable antelope survive in the world, all of them living in central Angola at the Luando Reserve and Kangandala National Park.


Zoo Tycoon 2[]

Zoo Tycoon 2 DS[]


  • In Zoo Tycoon 2 DS the Ibex is used as the adoption icon for the giant sable antelope.
  • In base Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species, the giant sable antelope has an exceptionally long lifespan of 27 years, likely due to a typo. This was later fixed in the Extinct Animals expansion pack.