Zoo Tycoon Wiki

The African Lion (Panthera leo), or simply Lion, is a large African felid. It is an adoptable animal in many Zoo Tycoon games.


The African Lion is the second-largest species of extant cat, after the tiger. Despite its name, the species could also originally be found in Europe and Asia, although only a small population in India now exists outside Africa. The lion is easily identifiable by the prominent mane of hair around the neck region of males, which acts as an indication of how healthy an individual is, with a full, dark mane indicating that a lion is in his prime. Lions also feature a tuft of hair at the end of their tails, not seen in any other cat species.

The African Lion can live in a variety of habitats, but is most common on the African Savannah. It is an apex predator, preying on a wide variety of animals, typically ungulates such as zebras, wildebeest, buffalo, gemsbok and sometimes even giraffes and elephants. Unusually amongst cats, lions live in large groups, or Prides, consisting of a group of closely related females, their cubs and a few adult males who may or may not be related to each other. Lions will also often hunt in groups, with females doing most of the hunting.

Zoo Tycoon[]

The African Lion is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and is available in the base game. In Freeform mode, it is one of eight animals of the base game that is initially available without research. It is present in a few scenarios, such as Saving the Great Cats.

Lions are Savannah animals, but also require some sand, dirt and fresh water to keep them happy. Although a single lion does not require much space, they prefer at least three animals in their enclosure to meet their minimum group need. Lions are also very easy to breed and are a good source of income.

The lion has its own animal toy items in the form of the Small and Large Lion Rocks and can use the Wood or Concrete Shelters, though its favourite shelter is the Rock Cave. The lion's favorite foliage is the Umbrella Thorn Acacia Tree and it is easy to achieve a habitat suitability of 100% for the lion.

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

The African Lion, simply named Lion, is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2. It is once again a Savannah animal and requires 2 and a half stars in order to be unlocked in Campaign and Challenge mode.

If Endangered Species is installed, the lion is able to hunt together as a pride and hunt animals such as Giraffes, Wildebeest, African Buffalo, Thomson's Gazelle, and Common Zebra. The lion is a highly entertaining animal and can use a number of toys and enrichment objects such as balls, squeaky toys, Holiday Present (Beef), Bone, Scratching Post, Stuffed Prey Dummy and Cat Climber just to name a few. The lion can also hunt all live food enrichment animals, as well as the Koi. Lions can use many different shelters, including the Shade Structure, Wooden and Concrete Shelters, Kopje and Rock Caves. Lions can also use the Snowy Rock Caves, though guests will think of it as odd. Two-three cubs can be born at a time after a gestation period of 17.8 days. Maturity is reached in approximately 2.7 months, though this can vary as puberty is coded with a 50% chance of happening once the cubs reach that point in their lifespan. Their average lifespan is about 11.1 months.

Zoo Tycoon Website favicon zootycoon.com Description
The lion is one of the largest members of the cat family. Lions are distinct from other cats in that they live in groups. The lion's size and strength have captured human imagination since ancient times, giving these animals the nickname king of beasts. Lions are also known for their mighty roar.

Zoo Tycoon (Xbox)[]

In Zoo Tycoon (Xbox), the African Lion is split into the former West African Lion, Transvaal Lion, Masai Lion, Barbary Lion, Congo Lion, Katanga Lion, and Asiatic Lion subspecies.

List of Subspecies

Other Games[]

DS Games[]

The African Lion is an adoptable animal in both Zoo Tycoon DS and Zoo Tycoon 2 DS, featuring similar requirements to its main version counterparts. In Zoo Tycoon 2 DS, it has a fame level of 3 and must be researched in order to be adopted.

Zoo Tycoon 2: Mobile[]

The African lion is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2: Mobile, although the version of the game with the lion is not currently known or available. The lion is only known to be in an unknown version of the game because of a single image of it featured in PC Magazine and some review sites.

Zoo Tycoon Friends[]

The lion was an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon Friends.

Zoo Tycoon: The Board Game[]

The African lion is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon: The Board Game. It is classed as a Level 1, Main Species carnivore in the savannah biome.

As a Level 1 animal, the lion has no adoption requirements and can be adopted by any player at the beginning of the game. It is a social species, requiring a minimum of three animals in order to be exhibited, but will not be happy unless there are at least five individuals. Typically, only a single male can be exhibited, although the lion will also tolerate living in an all-male bachelor group. It also requires a large exhibit with plenty of free space. If happy enough, a female lion will give birth to two cubs, which she will then nurture for the rest of the season.

The lion is also part of The Serengeti Conservation Project along with the plains zebra, common ostrich, Masai giraffe, black rhinoceros, blue wildebeest and the Fischer's lovebird.


Zoo Tycoon[]

Zoo Tycoon 2[]

Zoo Tycoon 2 DS[]

Zoo Tycoon 2: Mobile[]

Zoo Tycoon: The Board Game[]


  • The lion has been traditionally split into numerous subspecies, although the validity of some of these subspecies has been questioned for a long time. The subspecies featured in the Xbox edition of Zoo Tycoon were all valid at the time of the game's release.
    • A genetic study conducted in 2017 suggested there are only two subspecies of lion, the Northern (Panthera leo leo) and Southern (Panthera leo melanochaita) subspecies. The Southern Lion consisting of populations such as the Masai, Katanga, and Transvaal Lions, while the Northern subspecies includes the Asiatic, West African, Congo, and Barbary Lions.
  • The African lion is one of 3 animals to appear on the Carnivores Disease Event Card in Zoo Tycoon: The Board Game. The other two being the Snow leopard and American black bear.
    • The lion also appears on the Broadcast TV Show, High Fertility, and The King of the Savannah Event Cards.
  • The African Lion is one of only six sexually dimorphic animals in the base game of Zoo Tycoon: The Board Game. In early builds of the game, it did not feature sexual dimorphism, with a designated lioness meeple being added after a successful stretch goal.
    • The stretch goal for the lioness was revealed on October 30th, 2022 for 285,000 CHF, later reduced to 280,000 CHF the same day. The goal was reached just one week later on November 6th, 2022.