Zoo Tycoon Wiki
Zoo Tycoon X Logo

The current logo for the series (2013 - ongoing)

The Zoo Tycoon franchise is a series of zoo simulation games, all published by Microsoft Games. The original game was published in 2001, and received a sequel in 2004. In 2013, the series was rebooted with the release of Zoo Tycoon for the Xbox One and Xbox 360.

Gameplay and Plot[]

The gameplay and plot are very simple: the player usually begins with an empty plot of land, and in time, it begins to shape the map into a fully functioning zoo, with the best possible rating (in the first two games) being 5 Stars. The player is also given a variety of animals, buildings, plants, rocks, staff members, and scenery to place, all of which aid the zoo in a certain way. Over time, guests begin to enter the zoo, and how they feel about the zoo affects your Zoo Fame in various ways. Expansion packs do exactly as they promise; they expand upon the gameplay in ways that allow you to, of course, expand your zoo. New animals, objects, foliage, and even staff are often introduced.


The Zoo Tycoon franchise's ratings have been generally mixed.

Zoo Tycoon
Zoo Tycoon ā€¢ Dinosaur Digs ā€¢ Marine Mania ā€¢ Endangered Species Theme Pack ā€¢ Complete Collection
Zoo Tycoon 2
Zoo Tycoon 2 ā€¢ Endangered Species ā€¢ African Adventure ā€¢ Zookeeper Collection ā€¢ Dino Danger Pack ā€¢ Marine Mania ā€¢ Extinct Animals ā€¢ Ultimate Collection
Zoo Tycoon (Xbox)
Zoo Tycoon (Xbox) ā€¢ Ultimate Animal Collection
Zoo Tycoon: The Board Game
Zoo Tycoon: The Board Game ā€¢ New Shores ā€¢ Additional Species Pack
Zoo Tycoon Card Flip Game ā€¢ Zoo Tycoon 2: Mobile ā€¢ Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania Mobile ā€¢ Zoo Tycoon DS ā€¢ Zoo Tycoon 2 DS ā€¢ Zoo Tycoon Friends